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For Food and Wine Lovers

Gascony has a rich and varied food culture to discover and enjoy - a world where flavor and farm-to-table have always been synonymous. From the locally grown duck of the Albret Valley, to the beef of Cahors, to the wines of Bordeaux, and the Armagnac flavored pruneaux d'Agen, there is something for every taste bud. 


There is also a vibrant market culture. In Nérac there is a large and well-attended Saturday market (8am until noon, year-round). There are also markets daily in neighboring villages, including the marche gourmand nocturne (night market) in Lavardac every summertime Thursday night from 19h00 until 23h00 (15 minutes from Nérac by bicycle.) This gourmet food market also offers live music and food stalls - a great way to taste your way through a summer evening.


In Nérac there is a marche gourmand nocturne with live music every Tuesday night from end of June until end of September - eat great local foods, drink local wines and rub shoulders with the Neracaise, all against the backdrop of the Chateau Henry IV.


The fun with food continues in Nérac during the winter months - don't miss out on the annual Truffle Festival the last week of January!


And for dessert... try a chocolate from Choclaterie La Cigale (the inspiration for the novel and film Chocolat)


Read about the foods to explore in this Conde Nast Traveler article: Click Here


Restaurants to Consider:


Wine Tasting Locations to Consider:


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